5 Ways to Remain Positive When Life Feels Overwhelming

Who’s ready to live in precedented times? I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of living in unprecedented times! From catastrophic hurricanes and fires, to suspicious drones and TK, it’s completely understandable if our mental health is taking a hit. In a chaotic world, feelings of anxiety and panic can strike at any moment. Whether triggered by work pressure, personal challenges, or global events, these emotions can feel overwhelming and all-consuming. How can we maintain some semblance of positivity when the media is churning one gut-wrenching story after another? How can we remain positive when panic and anxiety are becoming familiar friends? How is it possible to see the good when we don’t know what the future holds?

There is no easy way to navigate tough situations. However, mental health experts emphasize that we have more control over our emotional wellbeing than we might think. Here are five proven strategies to help you maintain balance and find peace during challenging times.

1. Control how you react to negativity

We always have a choice in how we react to our current situation. Happiness is not something that someone else can provide to you. It's also not something that can be obtained by material things. It's something that you provide to yourself, every day. It's a choice, and it's your choice. During uncertain times, this can be a hard; but being gentle with yourselfβ€”both physically and mentallyβ€”will help you achieve a calm that will keep panic and anxiety at bay.

2. Create a sanctuary

Your immediate environment plays a crucial role in maintaining mental wellbeing. Professional organizers and psychologists agree that our surroundings significantly impact our state of mind. Take time to evaluate your living space: Does it promote calm and positivity, or does it harbor stress-inducing elements? Consider these actions:

  • Eliminate clutter that may be contributing to mental chaos

  • Create designated spaces for relaxation and productivity

  • Incorporate elements that bring you joy and peace

  • Establish routines that support your mental health goals

By controlling the quality of your surroundings, you have the power to bring more calm, happiness, and positivity into your life. 

3. Limit media

Let’s face it, watching the news or being on social media 24/7 is overwhelming. There is no need to begin your day with the latest dire headlines. Instead, being your day with music or a calming activity and only check-in when you feel like you are mentally ready to do so. Rethink how you consume media: Does it stress you out? Does it make you feel anxious or depressed? Yes, it’s important to stay informed, however, once you are caught up on the news of the day, turn it all off.

4. Assume the best yet be prepared for the worst

It's not safe to navigate with rose-colored glasses all the time. We need to be realistic and know that bad things can and do happen. However, we shouldn't live with an apocalyptic mindset. Find the perfect balance by assuming the best yet being prepared for the worst.

5. Write down your thoughts

Write down your feelings so they are not stuck inside of you, and while you’re at it, also write down five things you are grateful for each day and see how instantly your perspective changes. It's such an easy and cathartic thing to do that will drastically change how you view your life and surroundings. 

What did we miss? How do you stay positive during tough times?  

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Gabriela Garcia

Founder & Editor


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