This Mystical Moon Planner Will Help You Manifest Your Dreams Like a Bruja
No matter the time of year, it’s always a great time to recalibrate, recharge, and get organized. We don’t know about you, but we’re big fans of writing down goals and daily tasks. Although going digital to plan out the week is tempting, research shows that those who write down their goals regularly are twice as likely to accomplish them than those who don't. By writing down your tasks and goals, you are embedding it into your memory and unleashing it into the universe. And when we’re setting our intentions for the days, weeks, and months ahead, we like to unleash our inner brujas to make my life even more magical than it already is.
Brujas in need of mystical planning should check out We'Moon, a best-selling moon calendar and earth-spirited handbook in natural rhythms, complete with daily lunar phases and signs. Not only is it a moon phase planner, but it is an astrological calendar, a handbook in natural cycles, and most importantly a collaboration of women. Women from around the world send in their art and writing every year to be considered for publication in the pages of We’Moon. We love when women celebrate and uplift other women!
2025 We'Moon Datebook: Moon Calendar & Astrological Planner, $23.00
Highlights of the We’Moon desk-top datebook include information for every day in a week-at-a-glance format. It also includes:
Astrological data in Pacific Standard Time.
Moon phases depicted for every day.
Notation of when the moon changes signs.
Void of Course Moon date, time and aspects.
Notation of when the Sun changes signs.
Astrological predictions for every sun sign in the zodiac.
Holiday/Holy Day writings about each of the Wiccan/Pagan celebrations days.
Over 100 images of fabulous feminist art and over 100 righteous writings by amazing poets and storytellers.
Month-at-a-glance moon phase calendar pages in the appendix.
Year-at-a-glance calendars with full and new moons for both the current and following year, so you can schedule your full and new moon circles well in advance.
We’Moon is dedicated to amplifying the images and voices of women from many perspectives and cultures. They encourage women from all walks of life to take part in helping We’Moon weave a rich and varied tapestry. We’Moon seeks to make a safe and welcoming space for all women, including those from international women's cultures, women of color, and others marginalized by the mainstream, e.g., lesbian, non-binary, transgender, genderqueer, etc.
We'Moon has proudly published works of art by:
Autumn Skye, Emily Balivet, Saba Taj, Gaia Orion, Jakki Moore, Leah Dorion and Qutress! Writers include, Oak Chezar, Naima Penniman of ClimbingPoeTree, Joanne M. Clarkson, Rose Flint, Toko-pa Turner and many more!
Need information about astrology such as Moon Signs, Retrograde periods, and Eclipses? Visit We’Moon’s informational blogs. It is a great resource for all brujas wanting to delve deeper into astrology and the magical arts.
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